Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 5: 08 08 08 08

"Nation Builder" Pidoy Pacis of Saladmaster with the GK Youth Build volunteers

Saladmaster CEO Keith Peterson, joins GKYB Junnie and Mica, West Visayas State students in the Pasaload

Mayor Ito Perez, in a GKYB shirt, welcomes Tony Meloto, Pidoy Pacis, Keith Peterson and Congressman Art Defensor and fellow Mayors of Iloilo to the Build

GK Founder and Builder of Dreams, Tony Meloto with GK Youth Build co-founders Junnie and Marj

The GKYB contingent with their fellow youth volunteers from West Visayas State University and Mrs. Morano

The house is almost finished, as we paint it side by side with Saladmaster CEO Keith

Knowing the Iloilo loves football, GK Youths donated several soccerballs and a basketball to the village plus school supplies

GK Saladmasters Pototan, Iloilo
GK Youth Build 2009

Any GK advocate is crazy enough to think that we could build a nation from ground up. Crazier still that we could do it in our lifetime. But that's what drives people to do great and honorable work - the motivation that one's effort, and another one's zeal and excitement, and another's compassion - when mixed together - becomes the best formula for making great strides - for enacting change in the world.

Bono of U2 does it through his music. Lance Armstrong is doing it by racing despite having battled testicular cancer, while Gawad Kalinga advocates brave high seas, and territories known for strife and war to reach out to fellow brothers. GK full-time volunteers go through a lifetime dedicated to this great work for the poor and our youth skipping summer just to be with fellow youth to see the challenges that face them, to prepare them for battle and to equip them with the heart ful of compassion and Christian love.

We told them it is going to be hard. It is going to rain. The gravel and hollow blocks are heavy. The work to serve the poor will be hard. Yet, all 5 of them conquered a week-long of service. They did what they needed to do. They changed minds, including their parents and friends. They changed their hearts from fear to love. They transformed lives - both of the people they served and their own lives as well.

It was one week challenging them out of their comfort zones. They overcame it. And all of them want to be back next year!


Thus this line from the song of U2 is dedicated to this team of compassionate, courageous, cooperating youth full of Christian love.

"Every generation gets a chance to change the world
Divination that will listen to your boys and girls
Is the sweetest melody the one we haven't heard?
Is it true that perfect love drives out all fear?
The right to be ridiculous is something I hold dear
But change of heart comes slow..."
- U2, "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight"


Join us and be our friend in Facebook and view the rest of the pics here, here, here and here .

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